A water-resistant, calcium soap, general-purpose grease produced with high quality base oils andsuperior additives. This greaseis used in medium and high-speed rolling bearings that operate under non-severeconditions, where the operating temperature is not high, in low speed flatbearings, forchassis lubrication.

* It is water-resistant and protects thesystem against erosion and corrosion.
* The grease prevents foreign objects fromentering the systems and provides economicalusage.
* It provides quick and effective lubrication in various application areas where operatingtemperature is not high.
* It is recommended to be used in grease lubrication processes of ball and roller bearings andhydraulic turbines, temperatures of which does not exceed 70 °C.
* It provides high performance in lubrication of bearings operating in chassis and waterymedium.
* It reduces abrasions, and thus reduces maintenance costs.


Code Volume Box Quantity
0519-048964 15 KG 1 PCS